Athlete & Coach Testimonials
“Working with Craig has truly been a unique and amazing experience for me. Not only has it made a huge impact on my surfing and how I compete, but also in my day-to-day lifestyle. I have learned so much from Craig and The Fearless Mind. The tools and advice he provides are truly invaluable!”
Lakey Peterson
Professional Surfer
“Coming off my best season, I had new challenges and opportunities to reach my potential. The Fearless Mind gave me the edge that I needed and wanted in my career. I could eliminate the anxiety, dial myself for the competitive season and go in with a plan. The Fearless Mind allowed me to take my career and life to the next level”
Mike Dowdy
Professional Wakeboarder
“I have narrowed my big mountain career down to three things: the mountain, my mind and myself. The Fearless Mind has allowed me to control my mind in a very dynamic and masterful way. I love how I know exactly what I can control and enter every aspect of my career with a calm and strong mind. It doesn’t’ matter where I am or what I am doing, the principles I apply from The Fearless Mind gives me the edge to stay on top.”
Michelle Parker
Big Mountain Skier
“It’s no coincidence that I achieved my highest ranking on the World Cup Tour (4th) the same year I started working with Craig Manning. Learning to eliminate self-doubt and instill the “can do” mindset were invaluable strengths to my skiing career and also to my life now as a retired athlete. The pressure I experienced Olympic year was more than I ever thought it would be and I have no doubt that the mental strength skills I learned from Craig and the Fearless Mind were what helped me through that pressure. My only regret is that I didn’t start working with him sooner.”
Eliza Outtrim
Mogul Skier
“I was in a position where I wasn’t sure how my career would develop. I was dealing with so many variables that were out of my control. Unexpectedly, my number was called and I was put in a role where I could either cave or rise to the opportunity. The Fearless Mind allowed me to rise and have a season I could have only imagined. I handled each situation with confidence, focus and execution. I knew what to expect of myself and how to perform under pressure. The Fearless Mind came exactly when I needed it and my career was greatly enhanced because of it.”
Christian Stewart
Div. I Football Quarterback
“The mind is a powerful thing! Doc Craig and the Fearless Mind have helped me use it to my full potential! Belief, confidence and a good plan are my keys
to true performance. Talking with Doc Manning and using the fearless mind have been amazing for me and I would recommend it to anyone seeking to compete at their best!”
Chas Guldemond
2014 Dew Tour champion, USA Team Snowboarder
“Within a few sessions working with Craig I felt my mental state exponentially changing. He gave me the tools, and kept me accountable to make the positive changes I needed to excel in my sport. I feel my opportunity to compete at the Olympics as well as finishing the 2010 World Cup season ranked 2nd overall in the sport of Freestyle Mogul Skiing is largely due to the mental training I learned from Craig. Besides the affect our work has had on my competition and training on the hill, it has also carried over into all areas of my life and I am happier and more balanced than ever before.”
Heather McPhie
US Ski Team/Red Bull Athlete
“The fearless mind has been incredibly valuable to me personally and to my performance on the diamond this past year! Baseball is such a mental sport and Dr. Manning has been a huge help. Visualizing myself performing at each at bat has given me a huge edge. I have learned a lot and hope to keep learning new ways to increase my performance! Potential + Training – Interference = High Performance! This program has helped me get rid of my interference!”
Jacob Hannemann
MLB/Chicago Cubs
“While mental toughness is important for all athletes, it is particularly important for tennis players as we are often all alone out on the court with no one to talk to or coach us. Dr. Manning has provided me with tools necessary to stay focused and perform at the highest level possible. I compete all over the world and have an unpredictable travel schedule; however, Dr. Manning has been very accommodating and accessible. A lot of our work can be done online and over the telephone and he makes sure that I am doing what I need to do to be successful.”
Varvara Lepchenko
Professional Tennis Player
“My college football career would have been drastically different had I not met Dr. Manning. My situation coming back from an injury had me filled with frustration, doubt, and even some bitterness. Dr. Manning helped me clear my head, focus on the right things, and ultimately guided me to successfully rising above that and performing in less than ideal circumstances.Until you have experienced the distinct advantage that training with Dr. Manning gives you, it is hard to fully realize what you are missing out on. Some people think that having someone work on your mind means something is wrong with you. I kind of like it that way, because I know that I am acquiring skills and improving my performance in ways that my competition is not.”
Riley Nelson
Div. I Football Quarterback
“Overall the journal has been something that I will use in some form for the rest of my competitive life. I am not a very good journal keeper but I feel so much more focused and confident and ready-to-play when I use the journal. That is the biggest thing I have found is that if I can only focus on things I can control then I feel like things will continually improve.”
In compliance with NCAA rules athlete can not be revealed
“Using the ranking system on the journal helped me keep track of my motivation, anxiety, concentration, belief, and also where my decision making was at. Through each of my goals I started off wanting all those things to try and be perfect and to work on feeling the best at all categories. I felt if I needed to reach the goals I set to its full potential then I would work to increase my performance. When I was setting volleyball goals I noticed that I had something to pay for and work for that day and it made my confidence and work ethic go up. As I continue to work with the journal I feel I can get to the point where I feel my performance is always at its peak. These goals I set could never hurt me and I realized that if I continue to use them then my performance on the court, in life, and in the classroom will be beneficial to my success as an individual.”
In compliance with NCAA rules athlete can not be revealed
Kaylee Doxey
Volleyball Player
“As the head Track and Field coach for Brigham Young University for 30 years and now the head Coach/director of the Chula Vista Olympic Residence program, I know the value of performance enhancement and the expertise it takes to work with elite performance individuals who are on the cutting edge of greatness. Without doubt, all factors being equal, the athlete that gets it done is the one who is in control psychologically, has goals, knows how to execute the technical skill, and has the mental skills to make that performance a reality.
Athletes come in all kinds of psychological packages. To determine the keys that unlock those packages is the job of coaching. Coaching on the field, and supported by coaching in the mental skills away from the field.
This is where Dr. Manning became my right hand in turning lives around. Personal lives, and as a result athletic lives. Because an outstanding athlete is only outstanding when he/she is a total integrated soul. Dr. Manning’s book and his classes and personal instruction and consultations for sport skills and life skills is unmatched. The athletes who have taken the class, engaged in the one on one sessions, and read the book, have been permanently changed. We have case after case of how individuals who lacked trust, learned to trust in them selves, or skills. Learned the techniques of successfully dealing with performance issues and evolved from average so, so athletes to outstanding conference and national level contributors the team.
In the age we live, the type of services Dr. Manning’s program provides is indispensable if we want to maximize genetic potential. I can guarantee that if sport, in any form, continues in the trial and errors approach to sports performance, we will never achieve the level we all aspired to.
From my perspective The Fearless mind is a necessary tool for genetic performance enhanced by the support services provided with Dr. Manning’s program.
Think outside the box, in this age we cannot coach or teach in the ways of the past, step up to a higher level and enjoy the successes when your mind is set free to achieve.”
R.Craig Poole Ed.D
Head Coach/Director
USA Track & Field
“What separates Craig Manning from the rest of the sports psychology consultants is simple. Craig is also an elite level coach. He not only envisions himself bringing a slice of the pie to the project, but he also brings the whole pie . . . in 3D.”
Matt Christensen
Red Bull High Performance Coach
“Craig Manning has been instrumental in the development of our football programs mindset and competitive spirit. His insightful teaching and performance enhancement methodology has given our program and its individual members the best chance to reach our potential.”
Bronco Mendenhall, Head Coach
BYU Football
“Dr. Craig Manning has provided invaluable mental strength coaching
for many of our men’s basketball players. His emphasis of focusing on
clear objectives for improving daily has been a huge factor in improving
our on court performance.Dr. Manning also utilizes his experience as a former Pro athlete and
3X Coach of the year as an additional resource to enhance achievement
and help athletes reach their full potential. He has a rare gift and insight
into the science of personal achievement.”
Dave Rice, Head Coach
UNLV Men’s Basketball
“I have attached the week by week National Coaches’ Poll for this season. When we first had you meet with the team we were ranked 16th nationally and we spoke about goals. I mentioned that the team had set as one of it’s goals to win a national championship and you made the astute observation that we might be setting ourselves up for failure with that sky high goal when we were only 18th last year.
After that meeting we had a team meeting and talked about focusing our next effort to run so as to break into the top 10. The following week we won the Notre Dame Invitational, which is one of the biggest early season meets. The next week we moved into the top 6. Another team meeting followed and we talked about performing well enough as a team to work into the top 4. Last weekend we finished second at the biggest meet of the year so far, defeating 39 other teams including 4th ranked Stanford at the Wisconsin Invitational. The result of that is the number 3 national ranking which we now hold.”
I appreciate your help and the mental strength training we have enjoyed this year.”
Ed Eyestone, Head Coach
BYU Track & Field
“Working with Craig Manning was an integral part to our success as a team this year. Our players made massive gains individually and more importantly as a team. Upon reviewing the year with each player individually, it was apparent time and time again the major value that Craig added. Looking back on 2014 and moving forward, we are beyond fortunate to have Craig as a part of our team.”
Shawn Olmstead, Head Coach
BYU Womens Volleyball
“…When I began using the workbook I was a walk-on who wanted to make my way onto the team. It was the spring before my sophomore year and I had changed positions. That usually isn’t a good thing because it means you weren’t that great at the last position you were playing. Fortunately, I had a pretty good work ethic so the new position was looking like another opportunity. I started using the workbook to develop the skill sets I needed to play the positions. I focused only on a couple of things each day and I quickly passed an athlete that was on scholarship. My goal was to be in the two deep and I was playing with the ones because of an injury, but I did feel like I earned it.
The following year I continued to work on the workbook as I played and I eventually got the fall camp before my junior year. Using the workbook I was able to gain 20 lbs and get a 3.5 GPA. Before that fall camp I found myself as the starter, what I had been working for. I would definitely attribute it to the focus that the workbook makes you have when you only focus on a couple of things.
During the season I got injured. I broke my thumb and had to sit out a few games. I also sprained my ankle pretty good early on in the season and it has been a nagging injury ever since. It would have been easy to feel sorry for myself and maybe even say that I didn’t want to play with my injuries, but the workbook even helps you when you are injured and trying to get back into the swing of things. Instead of turning my focus to skill sets I would work on getting better and watching film. I would use vicarious experience to get myself better while I was injured which I found to be very effective. I came back from my injury three weeks later, better than ever.”
In compliance with NCAA rules athlete can not be revealed
“Using the performance journal has really changed my attitude and outlook as I work through recovery and rehab after surgery. Before using the performance journal I felt very unmotivated, impatient, and discouraged. I felt like there was nothing that I could control at the moment, so why should I try at all? I felt like the only thing that I could do was simply wait for time to pass. This attitude caused me to worry whether or not I would be able to heal and get back in shape and back to the performance level that I once was at. I didn’t think there was anything that I could do to change this. It wasn’t because I didn’t have goals — I still held on to all of my pole vaulting goals and aspirations. From what we discussed in class, I discovered that because of my injuries, the objective that once motivated me and gave me a good focus was now so far into the future that I couldn’t do anything about it and thus, I felt like I had no control over the outcome.”
In compliance with NCAA rules athlete can not be revealed
Track & Field
“As I started to write in the mental strength journal and take it seriously, I felt more focused on what I wanted to accomplish. My goal three or four years down the road is to be playing professional football. In order to make this goal happen I will need to wrok very hard. It is very difficult to think about all the things that must be done in order to reach my goal. I have things that need to be accomplished daily, weekly, and monthly. This journal has helped me put what needs to be done down on paper so I can see it and be able to focus on what needs to happen each day.”
In compliance with NCAA rules athlete can not be revealed
Professional Development Testimonials
Jeff Collinsworth, CEO/President
GOLDPoint Systems
“Dr Manning has helped me through some tough times, yesterday I had to let someone go. Who was there to help me? Dr Manning, he was there! He is a people person, he knows people. When I first meet Dr. Manning and walked out of an event that he spoke at sold! I told him that he did not realize what he had, that this will change the world. It’s not a pill, it’s a skill set! It works and I want to help him implement this with other wealth management firms like me. The Fearless Mind is about a mental mind shift. I do not allow fear to dictate my mindset. Like others within The Fearless Mind family I am not going to participate in this recession! Life is too short. Onward and upward!
“For the past two years we have been applying the Fearless Mind principles in our organization under the tutelage of Dr. Manning. As an organization we have grown tremendously, both from a revenue and profitability standpoint, as well as culturally. The single greatest asset we have is our people, Dr. Manning helped us unleash the potential of our employees to where we are a thriving organization where all team members are on the same page, with the same goals, and same vision. As an organization we focused on the “controllables” and saw great results as we eliminated the interference and moved forward. For the rest of my career these principles will be a core part of any organization I join. Thanks Dr. Manning for all of the help.”
“After reading Craig’s book I went in to my appointment with a different mindset. I was able to secure 13 new projects, 9 of which I would not have gotten without the skills the book taught me.”

“Craig is brillant! There is just no BS with him.I love motivation the best.After each session the motivation of the management team has been ridiculous!I enjoy the science! I have read and researched a lot and continue to, and he is right there with everything else I’ve read (like, Dr. Joseph Murphy’s work on the subconscious mind). I love how he helps us apply the science.He has helped me and the team’s set the right expectations, set the right goals and most of all he focuses on the individual! Craig lives his own science! Consistency is the key!”

Personal Wellness Testimonials
“The journal changed my life. That’s a pretty dramatic statement, but now without even thinking about it, I have applied the principles, subconsciously, to every aspect of my life. I never would have branded myself as a perfectionist or even that I practiced self-debilitating behaviors, until this class identified me as such. Ever since that first realization, I’ve been able to diagnose the traits blocking me from achieving my potential, recognize and correct negative self-talk, and redefine my definition of humility, success, and confidence. All of this has just been reaffirmed and drilled into me every day as I write in the journal. The changing of an entire mindset and philosophy takes time and constant diligence, but can only be successfully changed with a daily check up by using the journal.”
In compliance with NCAA rules this individual’s identity can not be revealed
“One of the main things I liked in the journal was the reflection on how you went about achieving you goal for the day. I liked that there was three positives and only one negative, so right away if you are doing the journal you have to keep more of a positive attitude. I naturally have a really positive attitude, but I think I understand why the negative section was in the journal. It is to show you that you could’ve always done something to improve, and for a guy like me with a very confident attitude I think that was a good and sometimes challenging section of the journal, because even though I might think I did everything perfect for the day, it shows that there is always an area you could’ve done better at, and to never completely settle for what you have done. Be proud about what you have done but never think you were perfect.
“My conclusion to the journal is it was a great experience for me, and it was very motivational and at the same time it kept me humble in what I was doing. The journal gave me a solid balance in what my emotions should be for a day. It gave me a goal that I should be striving for every day. It gave me a more positive than negative outlook on my performance for the day. It humbled me in knowing that there is always another area to improve on every day. The journal made me more focused and more of a task oriented person. Overall the journal was a really good thing for me, even after the class I will try to continue to do a journal.”
In compliance with NCAA rules this individual’s identity can not be revealed
“I have always thought that the best way to learn is from mistakes. However, this class has taught me that the best way to learn is from the things I do well. The workbook itself has helped me to see what my strengths are and then how to continue using my strengths to help me to have purpose in life. I can go back a few days and even weeks to see what has helped me to be successful and see what I can do to continue on that path. I have also been able to see what has prevented me from reaching my daily goals or what has slowed down my progress and then focus on that a bit in order to overcome that weakness the next day. I have found that I do much better each day in accomplishing my goals when I see it on paper.”
“I dug a hole, the semester previous to this winter semester I had a 0.01 GPA. So, getting back into school and further making the team again seemed unlikely, but not impossible. I set goals and objectives to get back into school and focused my energy on getting into a major. I transferred my athletic skills into the classroom and now my GPA in my major classes is a 3.56. I still have lots of work to do but life is no longer doom and gloom, rather blissful with green pastures to farm reaping benefits.”
In compliance with NCAA rules this Student Athlete can not be revealed